Saturday, September 23, 2006

trying something... Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

we could finish this whole park in an hour! Posted by Picasa

move this out of the way, I've got to mow! Posted by Picasa

what did mamaw hide in this huge bag? Posted by Picasa

"See Aidan, we get more stuff since there are 2 of us" Posted by Picasa

Our favorite cartoon Posted by Picasa

watch out American Idol! Posted by Picasa

Now, if Uncle Eli would just take us camping! Posted by Picasa

How do you open this? Posted by Picasa

Cole, the shirt with the ball belongs to Aidan Posted by Picasa

books! Posted by Picasa

What's this? a crash helmet? Posted by Picasa

Time for the loot! Posted by Picasa

you see we've always had different approaches to food Posted by Picasa

Time for cake! Posted by Picasa

Two peas in a pod Posted by Picasa

Here comes Cole! Posted by Picasa

Aidan likes the "tunnel" Posted by Picasa

Bubbles! Posted by Picasa

Yes it is only 3 months late, but here are the birthday party pics Posted by Picasa

Birthday Party! Posted by Picasa